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Elves have lived long before the time of men, it was Elves who created the race of Men through magic, they are the wisdom of the world but they are a dying breed. Elves have been persecuted to the point of near extinction, and very few kingdoms of the Elves remain. Yet they are the creatures of magic and said to have built all other forms of life in the world. There are two factions of elves that believe two different ideals of their positions Light elves who prefer peace and light, and dark elves who incite chaos and darkness. 



The King and Queen of the Elves have long died, yet their offspring do remain in branches of a great tree with leafs new generations seldom.  A Prince of Princess of Elven blood is often the correct term and highest order of families. They are pure of blood and are the oldest of all Elves, but like all families, there is no good or evil there are both. Noble Elves lead their people they can no longer create more elves the traditional way of breeding and use magic to bring to life a new elf. 


-Prince/Princess (Oldest most powerful)

-Court (Made up of noble blood)



Warrior Elves are skilled in combat they use magic enchanted weapons and serve as the enforcers of the nobles. While they are not as powerful as their betters they are a legion of both craftsmen and militants. Trained from childhood to be the very pinnacle of perfection when it comes to a living weapon. They feel little pain and have very simple desires that keep their minds solely on their objective. Every single warrior is irreplaceable their death is a sorrowful occasion and should a Warrior fall they granted an eternal resting place among the elite of all Warriors.



Rogue Elves are not to be trusted, they are capable of wielding magic that makes them a target from all other races. Their knowledge of forbidden Elf power comes from their rearing or even training. Even their bodies must be completely destroyed less it gets into the hands of a Vampire or Magician. Rogue Elves constantly must be on the lookout for those who would or could hunt them. This is not to say they are weaklings, on the contrary, Rogue Elves are more dangerous than most Elves because they have no loyalty to one cause. 



A common Elf is the populace of the elf nations while they are no longer able to wield powerful magic they are still quite content to be productive members of their cultures. Some take on skills as trade smith, while others live peacefully in villages and farm life. The magic of the common elf is very simplistic and always nature-oriented. Common elves can acquire more magical skills with training, or of good breeding to nobility. 





Life Span: Elves can live as Immortals they do age very slowly after full maturity. An elf typically Matures between the ages of 19-26. Unless murdered, Elves can live up to 7,000 years old. The oldest record of living Elves is the King and Queen, who lived up to the ages of 5,000 years. The youngest of Elves are considered 300 years and below, are magically created elves.


Magic: Elemental magic, Enhanced Sight, Hearing, and Strength. 


Weaknesses: Decapitation, Dark Magic, Blood loss.


Culture: Elves live in tune with the natural order of things and are a warrior culture when it comes down to it. They serve Oki and his will and have learned to adapt to the threats that have arisen by their own mistakes. Many rituals and ceremonies encompass their traditions they are keepers of the past and will fight to keep their magic sacred.


Characteristics: Pointed ears. Elves normally stay close to home which is the Katrin Isles.





Katrin Isles


The Katrin Isles is the home of Elves, pushed out of the larger continent in order to seclude themselves and their numbers. The islands are a connection of three Katrin being the first Duma its largest island and Elear. These three tribes together make what remains of the isles and its power of the elves. While the hold island has never been invaded the security of the island is left to the powerful Princes and Princesses of the oldest of houses. Their power is so great that it keeps its people alive as well as protected. These Royals are not likely to leave their home without due cause but welcome trade among the Golden Kingdoms and Lyrandis. While they do very little dealings with vampires it has not been unheard of that some dealings are un-avoidable. 


The islands are warm to some an abundance of siren collects along the rocky coast to the south. The natural enemies found are Trolls and Wraiths.


The islands are a rich natural collection of history and many traditions often mark the lives of its people such as trials of warriors, harvests, and celebrations big and small. 


The summers are very long but the winters are short and fridged. 



Princes and Princesses: Canon Roles


Sacred animals: Siren, Snake.

Banner color: Green and Gold.

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