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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What type of roleplay world is this?

A. This is an original fantasy world


Q. Can I create races that are not listed?

A. No.



Q. How do I begin roleplay?

A. This is something you should proactively attempt. Though helpful tips:


1. Don't stay invisible, people can't see you online and assume you are offline because you are busy.

2. Post a request on the request channel. Tag it @seekingScenes

3. Visit the bios or roster see if there are any characters that you may wish to meet IC. Do not be afraid to DM! Most of the time they are waiting to be DMed by someone who is interested in writing.

4. Be active in the chatbox, if you are able to make a good rapport with people chances are they will be more inclined to write with someone they feel comfortable with.

5. Just write a starter, tag it @seekingscenes or even a solo give people the chance to see what you have already started.


The point is, you will have to put yourself out there, take chances, and try something new.



Q. How are battles done?

A. Battles should be planned out behind the scenes, with a predisposition of who will win or lose, or we will implement dice combat which is up to chance. How you decide you wish things to go is up to the people involved in that scene.


Q. What is ERP?

A. Erotic roleplay.


Q. Is activity mandatory?

A. We would hope you joined to write stories among the discord. We hope that you will be active at least once a week in the RP sections of the discord. Real does happen if so we will put you on a Leave of Absence if and when you request one. You can request one via DMs or tagging a staff member.


Q. What classes are there?

A. There are many with sub-classes.



Ruler: The leader of a group, guild, faction, coven, wolfpack, or kingdom.

Nobility: Aristocrats, Landowners, royalty, etc

Clergy: Men and women of faith and followers of Oki.  (this also is a Magician)

Military: Warriors, Navy, Army, Royal Guards, etc..

Commoner: Tradesman, Shop owners, Farmers, Herbalists, Doctors, etc..

Rogue: Sell Swords, Vagabonds, Exiles, etc... 

Outlaw: Pirates, Thieves, Assasins, etc..

Magician: Witches, Mages, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards, etc...

Slave: Body Slave, Outlaw, Gladiator, House slave, Blood Slave, Work slave... etc..



Q. What cultural influences are each region?

A. Each region is defined by its real-world influence some races are also culturally influenced. 

Elves are influenced by the Vikings culture and will be in tune with nature as well as be fierce warriors. 

Territories by cultural influence 
Phylo is a kingdom heavily based on European rule. Specifically English rule.

Lyrandis is an empire based on Roman rulers.

Averis was influenced by Underworld... sorry I'm a nerd like that.

Duzin is a representation of Persia.

Katrin Isles is a large mass of land similar to Norway.

Golden Kingdom is a combination of all cultures and races, a free man's land and neutral ground for any race.

Moorland Forest is based on the Forests of the Great Continental Divide.


Q. When can the Werewolves shift?

A. They can shift on command, or influenced by their pack master. On full moons, they have no control of their shifting and become feral. 


Q. Can vampires walk in sunlight?

A. Vampires can day walk, though it is draining on their power. They are strongest in the night, and often do keep nocturnal.


Q. What do vampires feed off of?

A. Vampires feed off of humans, elves, magicians, and animals. Aside from werewolves or poisonous creatures they can feed off anything they like. But they require blood or will die. Older generation vampires require less blood at a time and can go without feeding for weeks at a time. Younger vampires require nightly feeding.


Q. Where can I post ERP?

A. Anywhere, but remember you are in a public discord, so you can post mature scenes on the discord or in DMs this is your choice.

Q. What time period is this?

A. There is no set time period, the world is based in a mixture of historical moments of real-world history revised to fit The Golden Realm.

Q. What is the currency? 

A. Copper, Silver, and Gold coin. Each value is determined by the writer. Other things such as trade will be allowed. All currency is universal meaning one copper coin is equal to another kingdom or region's copper coin. Whatever insignia rests on it does not matter money is money.


​Q. Breeding who can who cant?

A. Humans breed the easiest, werewolves can also breed within their own race and the same for magicians. However, Vampires and Elves can not breed. Vampires can not breed any magic in the world can help them. Elves, on the other hand, can breed with certain magic and blessing. These elves are not the purest form of elves but when facing extinction they are granted a chance to bring more of their kind into existence. 


Q. Crossbreeding, possible?

A. Elves can breed with humans. This is the only cross-breeding that produces Magicians it is not intended that Magicians be to produce this way but it is a known fact within the realm. Magicians, however, can breed with other magicians to further purify their magic, removing traces of humanity in their blood.


No other creatures can breed successfully. While some Elf x Human offspring will produce magicians others will merely produce humans. They can not produce more elf in this manner.


Q. What is the Magicians Academy? 

A. It will be the academy by which renown Magicians study and teach younger students, sending them off into the world. They are not good they are not bad they merely teach those who are willing to learn the craft. Magic is a talent that takes long study and meditation and without proper training, some can be consumed by magic.


Q. Do all magicians need a catalyst? 

A. Yes. Magic drains on the mind and body, and a catalyst is an object used to store magic within such as staffs, wangs, rings, clothing, jewelry. It keeps Magicains prepared and protected when their own mental and physical abilities are worn down.


Q. How do Magicians put their magic into an object? 

A. Transference magic, meditation, and imbuing items take time pouring large sums of magic like a glass that if filled with water. 


Q. What are familiars?

A. Familiars are animals that a Magician uses to do its bidding.


Q. Are other mounts possible?

A. Mounts are listed on the bestiary, but yes if the monster or creature exists then yet other unlisted mounts are possible. 


Q. What is Averis Keep? 

A. Averis Keep is a haven for vampires, it is located in a secret location. The Averis is home to the Master's of the vampire race, all political affairs, and house affairs are sanctions within the Averis.


Q. What are the vampire laws? 

A. Vampires have few laws but they have a few loose rules. Do not kill your own kind, and never enter the Keep with malintent. Polite rules of which many understand.


Q. Can Vampires shift into bat form?

A. No, not large bat or small bat. Vampires control the air element and use this to their advantage. They can become mist-like, and fly with this element. 


A. Can werewolves be born? 

Q. A werewolf is subject to moon, breaking of cellular anatomy when shifting. A fetus would not survive a female werewolf’s transformation. No.


A. How are the werewolves made?

Q. A couple of ways; Werewolves are made by curses from a Magician, They can be turned by a wolfpack by eating the flesh of the Alpha or another wolf. Wolves must consume the flesh of another wolf to be turned, a bit or scratch alone will not suffice.


Q. Can vampires eat regular food?

A. No it makes them ill, throwing it out of their system.


Q. How are magically born Elves born exactly?

A.  Elemental magic combining all the elementals into healing and producing fruit. The burden of time to procreate only lasts for three days and two nights. Making the female Elf's womb fertile once more.


Q. Are Male elves sterile?

A.  No, they can breed with humans.

Q. Can Noble Elves make more resurrected Elves into vampires?
A. No, only the King and Queen Elf had that power, with their death's they are no longer able to raise 'dead elves'.





Q. How old can I make my character?

A. This answer is dependant on race:


Vampires 18 - 800

Werewolves should be no older than 150
Elves can range from 10 - 900
Magician's ages can range from 10 - 800

Human's can be aged 10 - 100
Demons - ageless.

Any characters that wish to be accounted as older bear the burden of power, which can lead to conflicts if you wish to have an older character please DM the @Kings to apply with an impressive RP example, and Bio.

**Magic Enhancements** 
**Sexual preference:** 


We will be looking for literacy, description, and writing competence. 

Last updated: 3/6/2020


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