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The human race is the large populace of the world, they have established kingdoms, militaries, and traditions. Humans control the majority of the world due to their greater numbers and military might. Yet they have no supernatural powers or ability to use magic that is not learned magic. Humans have founded the realms trades and connected if not created most large kingdoms tearing down anything that stood in their way. 




Depending on the region the Nobility of the kingdoms is often seen as those who control the land. Kings and Emperors being the figurehead, the crown of which every kingdom bends to. They are responsible for granting titles, and positions of power that keep both the realm and its people seen after. Aristocrats are often designs of each noble family who serve as the kingdoms landowners and are houses that lend strength to the crown.



The human military serves the kingdom or the people they are the force on which many disputes are settled beyond the politics of old men. While some Military units are dedicated to the crown, others are bought and serve the will of their would-be generals. The military is made up of citizens of the realm. They are trained and seasoned, working their position up. The life of those in the military is dedicated to their leader until their service is dismissed or their contract is up. 



A rogue is an outsider of the norms of society, those who live with no loyalty to any kingdom they are often considered the blights of society for their freedom. Rogues often take on work as thieves, assassins, or sellswords to the highest bidder. There is a sophistication underworld which rogues operate in which makes them dangerous among the common folk. Known to be members of exclusive guilds of secret trades. 



The common folk with honest trades who often are dependent on the kingdoms for protection as well as law and order. They are your farmers, your local law enforcement, traders, and neighbors. Common folk hold no positions of nobility but can acquire titles with enough coin and ambition. 



The Clergy are the men of both power and position in the faith of humans, there is but one God, and Oki is his name. Oki is the human all God that through all things is possible said to be the very first man who fathered their race. Clergies are studious men and women, learning the craft of healing while they have no magic; they are capable of recipe magic that has been learned from elves or stolen. Some times, a Magician can serve a kingdom as Clergy; however, this is taboo.



Slaves are a working unit of the realm, by force their freedom is taken and by payment or debt is it taken. Slaves have no rights in most kingdoms, and even in the Golden Kingdom, they must have proper documentation. Slaves can only be free'd by legal means and contracts. (However many have sought refuge in the Golden Kingdom and proper legal or non-legal citizenship papers drawn.) Each Kingdom has its own laws of handling slavery.




Life Span: From birth to 100 humans age, and wear down by age 70 when time wanes away at their bodies and mind. 


Magic: Humans have no talent for magic, their ability to wield magic items, however, is possible. Charms, Wands, Weapons, or other magical items are able to be used by humans. Fast to breed.


Weaknesses:   Mortality, Bloodloss, Fire, Drowning, Hanging, Decapitation. Poison. Humans have no natural defenses against many things. 


Culture: Humans for all their lack of magic have built empires for their people. They breed rather quickly and have dominated the majority of the realm. Armies and great techs have been created by many humans. Humans have a suspicion of magic, and its users but that does not stop them from using Clergy Magician and even Wizards in their court for protection.


Characteristics: Mortal features. Humans come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and nationalities.




The Kingdom of Phylo


The Kingdom of Phylo was made of humans it is a kingdom that prospers with its many rich lands of farming and trade. Mining the mountains for rich ore of iron, gold, and silver, this makes Phylo a wealthy kingdom and often sought out for trade. 


Its history is a rich testimony of what humans can accomplish together. Great cities and knowledge of warfare and schematics of war machines. To the celestial sky and the phases of the moon and star navigation. Mathematics and science are vastly adhered to giving their kingdom advancements in knowledge. 


Its populace is human mostly every now and then a stranger may be wandering through. A pointy ears or worse a dead elf. The consensus as a whole is not favorable towards other races. Yet, people live and die as any human would.


Phylo has a vast army and every man in Phylo must join its military between the ages of 12 through 15. Serving a campaign long duty, and is always a call to arms if need be. The kingdom’s military is run by a war council that decides the fate of the kingdom. Its King sits as General for no matter how poor one is or how wealthy all men and some woman serve their country. 


While there are many villages and cities the capital is where most congregate to. Religion is a high value and all throughout Phylo prides itself on the largest cathedrals and churches. Shrines can be seen to urge the weary traveler on and give thanks with a prayer or two. Clergy Magicians often oversee all aspects of religion and even hold sway over certain parts of the patriarchy. 




Commerce is dictated by coin.


Copper, Silver, and Gold are accepted throughout the land as well as haggling by trade.


The Kingdom of Phylo is generally pleasant with four seasons. The landscape is rich in valleys, mountains, and plains. Winters can be especially harsh but summers are not as sweltering as other Empires.


The colors of the Phylo banner are Blue and Gold. The bear is their insignia and is known to wear the crest of the bear on their shields.


As it stands the treaty of peace in the Golden Kingdom is still intact. However, they are currently at war with Lyrandis.

Revered animal: Giant Bear


Empire of Lyrandis


Lyrandis is the jeweled Empire they are renowned for their salt mines and gemstones. Giving their legions specialized weapons that can be imbued with magic. (A costly thing) Such adornments are reserved for the Emperor and his generals or to the brave worthy soldier deserving of praise. 


The capital itself is wealthy traders haven from selling slaves to selling silks. The economy is not hurting for riches but lacks the ability to sustain large territories of farmland. Fishing is its number one source of food-importing goods from the Golden Kingdom as a proxy to gain goods from other regions. 


The military is made up of: The Emporer, Generals, Legates, Tribunes, Centurians, Optios, Legionnaires  


The Emperor is the final say in most matters but a Senate is appointed to ensure the demands of the people are heard. Every member of the Senate must be a man who has served his empire before considering any political office.




Religion is highly valued and with it comes the games of Lyrandian praising Oki with every battle reenactment. Gladiators and Charioteers are the people's beloved sportsmen and will die in the cheers and thrall of the crowd. All for their one God!


The banner of Lyrandis bleeds the color red and gold, the dragon is its sigil and like the dragon they consider themselves unstoppable. 


 The landscape is made up of flat terrain some land for wheat farming but not much. All farmland is owned by the Empire and used to feed its people. Sandy and jagged rock formations can be found in the outskirts along with the oceanside breeze. 


The weather of Lyrandis is mostly warm to hot. Having only summer-like temperatures it does not cool down enough for snow. 



 Human Kings and Queens: Canon Roles


Currently, Lyrandis is at war with Phylo oversea trade routes.

Revered Animal: Dragons



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