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Order of the Moorland Knights

The Order of the Moorland Knights is a small knightly order based in the Moorland Forest. Their base of operations is in their stronghold, Fenrir Keep, and the order itself stands for justice and righteousness and strives for a safer world for every peaceful creature or person out there, that said they rarely take in werewolves or vampires considering the order often have jobs that includes, hunting them. The knights of the order take on protection and escorting jobs, sometimes they get a request to bring in a magician or other person with magic as they are specialized in anti-magic. The orders specialized monster hunter section take on most jobs involving their expertise. The order always takes payment in advance and will not hesitate to turn on its employer if they turn out to be crooked or criminal. While not on a specific job they may roam around protecting the innocent and defenseless where needed. The order also has skilled healers which they have acquired through close cooperation with the Clergy. The order has managed to get wealthy over the years and it can be seen in their first-class equipment.


The equipment of the orders full members (Knights and fully-fledged Monster Hunters) is magically enhanced (like shields and swords being able to block spells such as fireballs etc.) and their training of high quality. Every member passing initiation gets an enchanted necklace that prevents magic from being cast within a short distance from the wearer, this is due to their original anti-magic nature but members who cast magic themselves are free to keep it safely stored away.


The Commanders work together in leading the order they also decide if they take on any high-value and/or high-profile jobs that come in, such as high-risk monster hunts or protecting and escorting high-value politicals.


The Lieutenants help to keep the men in check and they have the authority to accept more mundane jobs from important people such as escorting and protecting rich merchants or lower nobility. They also lead groups of Knights or Hunters when the job requires it.


Knights and Hunters are the main force of the order, they are skilled in combat and have proven loyal to the order and its ideals. They are also encouraged to use their judgment and are allowed to take on single man jobs and are obligated to help the innocent and defenseless wherever they can.


Initiates take care of the orders stronghold and function as guards and such. They get no enhanced equipment and train under the watchful eyes of the teachers.




Knight-Commander: Robert Van Berg 



Monster Hunters


Hunt-Commander: Horst von Zollern




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