Vampires are another old race, said to be of relation to the Elf, but their insatiable lust for blood makes them vulnerable. Vampires are the dead elves of the realm and it is a hated term for any who would call “dead Elf”. With no ability to breed, their numbers grow only by creating new Vampires. The oldest of these Vampires are considered Masters and answer to no one. Only a brisk handful actually exists, but no one, except a select few, outside of the Vampire race truly knows the limit of their species, nor their power...
Master Vampires
Vampire Masters are the supreme leaders of the entire Vampire race, and reside in the deepest crypts, in seclusion, of Averis Keep. They rule with an iron fist, and their word is the law. All Vampires, from Fledglings to Elites must adhere to them. Vampire Masters wield power unimaginable and are some of the oldest beings in the world. When one is killed, the whole Vampire race mourns their loss. (Only the King and Queen elf had the power to resurrect and elf to become a vampire.) Master vampires are aged at 4000 years of age.
Princes of the vampire nations, the spiders who command the politics of the great houses. Time and power have been given to these royals being direct descendants of the masters turned by the five original vampires. Granted the power to act as regents among their own kind. Each royal tying its lineage back to their maker. While some elites may also be decedents only the Royals are hand-selected to be powerful rulers of their nation. Through cunning, power, and ambition these vampires are both ruthless and commanding.
Duties: A prince with a house to command often controls a section of Averis unto themselves on the behalf of the coven. They are providers with their claws dipped into politics, warfare, and logistics. To wear such a crown means bearing the burdens of rule, the prince determines who lives and dies, upholding law and order. Issuing decrees that their houses must abide.
Sanguine Sisters (Canon Role)
Great Houses
House Black Blood
House Tamsin
Elite Vampires
Vampire Elites are veteran Vampires, having been around for a decent amount of time since their turning. These Vampires are trained in the arts of magic and hand-to-hand combat, with various amounts of weaponry. They act as the enforcers and day-to-day leaders of the race when Vampire Masters are unavailable. Elites are responsible for the protection of Averis territory serving as commanders, watchman, and soldiers. (Aged between 800-1000)
Vampire Sanguine
The Vampire Sanguine is the common rank of Vampire, but this is not to be left underestimated. As a Sanguine, the Vampire has become higher than a Fledgling by proving themselves, and are adept in Vampiric warfare and magic alike.
Vampire Fledglings
A Fledgling Vampire is a freshly turned Vampire and is considered new into the ranks of their unholy brethren. A Fledgling needs to feed often and are considered weak until they grow into their powers and become more self-sustaining. Fledgling Vampires most often reside in Averis Keep and are nurtured and trained by elder Vampires to become the best they can, until they are ready to hunt their first victim.
Life Span: Immortals. Vampires are the creation of Necromancy and Elf magic. They are the dead Blood Elves that have now taken control of their own power and rule. They live as immortals and do not age past the time of their natural death. Vampires are born upon death and remain alive until they have starved to death or are murdered.
Magic: Air Elementals, Dark Elementals, Hypnosis, Telepathy, Flight, Siring, Enhanced Speed, Strength, Hearing, and Vision, Blood Frenzy, Regeneration, Necromancy, Animal call.
Weaknesses: Decapitation, Magic, Blood loss, Fire, Starvation, Blood dependency, Garlic, Blessed water by a Clergy, Weaker on the daylight hours, Blessed weapons
Culture: The Blood Elves have adapted themselves to pass as Humans or any other creature aside from Werewolves. Their natural enemies are the Elves and Magicians, for they are the only other creatures capable of withstanding them. They live richly and extravagantly, defying reason and only craving blood. Be warned, Vampires are highly dangerous beings.
Characteristics: Pointed ears, Fangs (when visible), No shadow. Vampires travel all over, but many find refuge at Averis Keep.
-Vampires are created by killing the mortal flesh draining the blood. Replacing the blood with that of a vampire by way of feeding or transfer. Vampires are cool skinned by nature, only after feeding would they appear flush and warm to the touch.
Averis Vampires
In the far south lies Averis Keep, it is surrounded by a vast landscape of woodlands, marsh, and a litter of villages. Serving as the spire of the immortals five. (To be announced later for roleplay canons.) guarded heavily by its Immortals to keep the sanctity of their agenda. The long-standing feud between Elves and Vampires has been a widely known fact that the two are closely related. ​
The council of five once stood as Princes and Princesses of elf blood. Their deaths marked the dawn of terrible magic that unleash the waking of blood elves. The derogatory term eradicated by many, now known as the Vampires. No longer needing to be brought back through necromancy but able to select humans to become their food, their slaves, their children. ​
The skies in Averis are often grey the weather influenced over its high reaching keep to hide the brilliance of the sun. Strong magic keeps Averis safe magic only the vampire council could be capable of. Yet for all its gloom there is a quiet beauty of dead tree forests and wraiths that linger unable to leave this realm for the next. The patrolled watchdogs (werewolves) bewitched by magic enforce another barrier that keeps the council free from intruders.
Within the Keep, vampires have a refined culture of beauty and macabre delicacy. A safe haven for Sires to bleed their pets or train their childer to the art of a vampiric awakening. Younger vampires brought to the keep ensuring they serve their betters and know to whom they should be grateful to.
Vampires have long walked the realm and with it, the need to be a part of its wheel is not only necessary but what keeps them connected to the world. The council decides whom to lend strength to and whom to take it away from. Political leaders, it does not matter they may even put aside their feud with Elves if it means keeping their kind alive and thriving. Only the council will crown the vampire's kings and queens of the Averis.
Averis Vampire Ranks
Masters (Vampire Council of Five creators of the vampire nation)
Royalty (Princes & Princesses crowned by the council)
Elites (Leaders, Commander, Captains, Warriors, and Sires)
Sanguine (Childer, Common Vampires, Warriors, Soldiers, and Sires)
Childer (Turned Vampires, Common Vampires, Younger Vampires)
Fledgling (Newly turned Vampires)
Blood Slaves (Pets)
Houses: Black Blood, Tamisn
Princes: Sanguine Sisters, Lady Tamsin
Averis Keep Security: Commander Kilean Valerii, Captain (TBD)
Banner: Black and Red
Revered animal: Giant Bat