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Kingdoms and Regions


Kingdom of Phylo


The Kingdom of Phylo was made of humans it is a kingdom that prospers with its many rich lands of farming and trade. Mining the mountains for rich ore of iron, gold, and silver, this makes Phylo a wealthy kingdom and often sought out for trade. 


Its history is a rich testimony of what humans can accomplish together. Great cities and knowledge of warfare and schematics of war machines. To the celestial sky and the phases of the moon and star navigation. Mathematics and science are vastly adhered to giving their kingdom advancements in knowledge. 


Its populace is human mostly every now and then a stranger may be wandering through. A pointy ears or worse a dead elf. The consensus as a whole is not favorable towards other races. Yet, people live and die as any human would.


Phylo has a vast army and every man in Phylo must join its military between the ages of 12 through 15. Serving a campaign long duty, and is always a call to arms if need be. The kingdom’s military is run by a war council that decides the fate of the kingdom. Its King sits as General for no matter how poor one is or how wealthy all men and some woman serve their country. 


While there are many villages and cities the capital is where most congregate to. Religion is a high value and all throughout Phylo prides itself on the largest cathedrals and churches. Shrines can be seen to urge the weary traveler on and give thanks with a prayer or two. Clergy Magicians often oversee all aspects of religion and even hold sway over certain parts of the patriarchy. 




Commerce is dictated by coin.


Copper, Silver, and Gold are accepted throughout the land as well as haggling by trade.


The Kingdom of Phylo is generally pleasant with four seasons. The landscape is rich in valleys, mountains, and plains. Winters can be especially harsh but summers are not as sweltering as other Empires.


The colors of the Phylo banner are Blue and Gold. The bear is their insignia and is known to wear the crest of the bear on their shields.


As it stands the treaty of peace in the Golden Kingdom is still intact. However, they are currently at war with Lyrandis.

Revered animal: Giant Bear


Empire of Lyrandis


Lyrandis is the jeweled Empire they are renowned for their salt mines and gemstones. Giving their legions specialized weapons that can be imbued with magic. (A costly thing) Such adornments are reserved for the Emperor and his generals or to the brave worthy soldier deserving of praise. 


The capital itself is wealthy traders haven from selling slaves to selling silks. The economy is not hurting for riches but lacks the ability to sustain large territories of farmland. Fishing is its number one source of food-importing goods from the Golden Kingdom as a proxy to gain goods from other regions. 


The military is made up of: The Emporer, Generals, Legates, Tribunes, Centurians, Optios, Legionnaires  


The Emperor is the final say in most matters but a Senate is appointed to ensure the demands of the people are heard. Every member of the Senate must be a man who has served his empire before considering any political office.




Religion is highly valued and with it comes the games of Lyrandian praising Oki with every battle reenactment. Gladiators and Charioteers are the people's beloved sportsmen and will die in the cheers and thrall of the crowd. All for their one God!


The banner of Lyrandis bleeds the color red and gold, the dragon is its sigil and like the dragon they consider themselves unstoppable. 


 The landscape is made up of flat terrain some land for wheat farming but not much. All farmland is owned by the Empire and used to feed its people. Sandy and jagged rock formations can be found in the outskirts along with the oceanside breeze. 


The weather of Lyrandis is mostly warm to hot. Having only summer-like temperatures it does not cool down enough for snow. 




Currently, Lyrandis is at war with Phylo oversea trade routes.

Revered Animal: Dragons


Golden Kingdom


The Golden Kingdom is a kingdom of free folk, any who seek no affiliation or conflict with any other political or racial views can find a safe haven here. Protected by the Clergy force of Magicians, they are its source of devoted children of Oki. The treaty of the highest regard Nobility and Masters of each race signing their compliance to allow one to live and let.​


The trade in the Golden Kingdom is highly sought after and those who can control the market can sell their goods easily. Slave trade is illegal in the Golden and punishable by banishment or worse death by hanging. This does not include slaves purchased elsewhere and brought to Golden as servants. Property and the right to own property is not outlawed.


The Cathedral sits as a reminder to Oki, it also serves as a holy church by which most Kingdoms have left untouched. The Golden army protects its citizens and while they are a resting army they are tasked to watch the city and its outposts. 


The Golden Guard, the guard is made up of Magicians, Humans, Elves, and other races that have come to make this place home. Serving under the Clergy and its Leader. (To be named later for rp) 


The city is vast and enjoys four seasons, it's summers being casually warm. The countryside is known for harvesting wheat, grapes, and corn. Many farmers tend to livestock and cattle being a large demand. 


The wilderness of the Golden Kingdom is kept under the watchful eye by way of outposts and magic. Yet it is dangerous to travel without escort. Wargs are known to hunt the wilds and have been known to cause trade route issues.



The banner colors of this kingdom are Gold and Black.

Revered creature: Griffin 

Currency: Coins or trade




Katrin Isles


The Katrin Isles is the home of Elves, pushed out of the larger continent in order to seclude themselves and their numbers. The islands are a connection of three Katrin being the first Duma its largest island and Elear. These three tribes together make what remains of the isles and its power of the elves. While the hold island has never been invaded the security of the island is left to the powerful Princes and Princesses of the oldest of houses. Their power is so great that it keeps its people alive as well as protected. These Royals are not likely to leave their home without due cause but welcome trade among the Golden Kingdoms and Lyrandis. While they do very little dealings with vampires it has not been unheard of that some dealings are un-avoidable. 


The islands are warm to some an abundance of siren collects along the rocky coast to the south. The natural enemies found are Trolls and Wraiths.


The islands are a rich natural collection of history and many traditions often mark the lives of its people such as trials of warriors, harvests, and celebrations big and small. 


The summers are very long but the winters are short and fridged. 




Sacred animals: Siren, Snake.

Banner color: Green and Gold.



The Duzin Desert & Magical Academy 





Duzin is a vast span of the desert, most of the desert remains unexplored and the higher north is unheard of to travel past. Some say the sand drowns into the edge of the world. Yet Duzin has been used by many as a battleground between the two human Kingdom. Watching on the Magicians Academy and library have been rumored to be there. A mirage of illusion that has taken many to their death and into the den of the Lion.


Duzin is home to the giant man-eater, a lion that is said to be immortal some say the monster was once a Magician cursed to become a beast. (A future RP canon) For him, the desert is his kingdom, feasting on the soon to die or dying. 


Those who have been taken to the Magicians Academy are marked always to forever see the way back 'home'. 



Magician's Academy




The Academy is home to young founding, abducted, or summoned Magicians. The gift of a new being made of magic is a gift regardless of its content. Teaching the skills required to survive many Magicians pass through these halls. There is esteemed respect for those who have been able to master magic and even bend it to their will bring limitations. 


A student of Magic will always be a student there is more to learn. Books and scribes of rituals are kept under strict protection thieves kept at bay even within their own kind. Precious and Dangerous treasures such as djinns, weapons, and enchantments are legacy of the Magicians and worth protecting. 


The Magicians Academy is a world within the realm entering its domain songbirds freely chirp and the harsh desert seems to have been kept away. What should be arid conditions is pleasant breezes cool and calm. Having no changed to the content whether dispute the season. 



The Academy has no alliance with any Kingdom, culture, or religion. 




Banner: Purple and White

Revered Creature: Denzin Lion


Averis Keep


In the far south lies Averis Keep, it is surrounded by a vast landscape of woodlands, marsh, and a litter of villages. Serving as the spire of the immortals five. (To be announced later for to) guarded heavily by its Immortals to keep the sanctity of their agenda. The long-standing feud between Elves and Vampires has been a widely known fact that the two are closely related. â€‹


The council of five once stood as Princes and Princesses of elf blood. Their deaths marked the dawn of terrible magic that unleash the waking of blood elves. The derogatory term eradicated by many, now known as the Vampires. No longer needing to be brought back through necromancy but able to select humans to become their food, their slaves, their children. â€‹


The skies in Averis are often grey the weather influenced over its high reaching keep to hide the brilliance of the sun. Strong magic keeps Averis safe magic only the vampire council could be capable of. Yet for all its gloom there is a quiet beauty of dead tree forests and wraiths that linger unable to leave this realm for the next. The patrolled watchdogs (werewolves) bewitched by magic enforce another barrier that keeps the council free from intruders.


Within the Keep, vampires have a refined culture of beauty and macabre delicacy. A safe haven for Sites to bleed their pets or train their childer to the art of a vampiric awakening. Younger vampires brought to the keep ensuring they serve their betters and know to whom they should be grateful to.


Vampires have long walked the realm and with it, the need to be a part of its wheel is not only necessary but what keeps them connected to the world. The council decides whom to lend strength to and whom to take it away from. Political leaders, it does not matter they may even put aside their feud with Elves if it means keeping their kind alive and thriving. 




Banner: Black and Red 

Revered animal: Giant Bat

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