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Magicians were said to be the offspring of both humans and elves, the dominant form of humans keeping their appearance. They have no pointed ears, yet they have inherited the purest form of magic. While mating humans with elves does not always produce a Magician it is no longer relevant as Magicians have become their own breed of race. They can wield magic and even create new magic both light and dark. Magicians are a raw magical catalyst and a true Magician can only be created between their own bloodlines.


Coven Leader
Leaders a group of likeminded Magicians. Often they coven is a motivated collection whether it be a sense of magical gathering or political cause. A coven can work as a circle of magicians be it all male or female and even a co-exitance of genders. Coven leaders rule the faction and are seen as the strong and most capable of Magicians.  



A magician that is considered a master is a master at a particular or group of magical abilities being studious and wise enough to have had the time to master the craft. They have become so skilled at certain magic that of that craft they are considered the pinnacle of mastery and sought after for training. Many masters have found a home in the Magical Academy, where almost unlimited amounts of resources are had for training apprentices.



Neutral Magicians who seek to aid others specializing in healing and light magic. Highly religious followers of Oki and often found in temples throughout the realm. They are a respectable magician who aids the suffering of many is it by request or by payment. Touched some say by the power of their God some Clergy have the gift of foresight a gift granted only to the very exceptional. 



Magicians who have found their calling in magic, and have learned the basics of magic verbal, gestured magic. An apprentice will be capable of learning more but is far capable of basic magic. An Apprentice often is the pupil of a particular master if not a host of masters learning the craft to strong and more complex magic. They are young but their talent is only limited to their desire to learn.



Magicians who are found, some may be infants or children but many are alone with no way to understand or cope with their natural-born gifts. Foundlings are only called such within the magician's academy and given a home should they chose.



Magicians who have no need for others, often they are dangerous as some may have been taught while others are merely lost. Rogues are considered dangerous to a coven but seen as outsiders. While many Rogues merely have no allegiances to schools or covens they merely wish to be left alone, will fly under detection and none would be the wiser. Other rogues cause chaos and destruction needing to be checked by orders of the law or more powerful magicians.





Life Span: Life expectancy for Magicians can be prolonged by magic, stealing the years of others is one way they maintain their youth and vitality. Life of a magician is a cautious life distrust circles their very being. Many have been persecuted and killed by other races even their own kind.


Magic: Elemental Magic, Blessing Magic, Brewing Magic, Learned Magic (There is a list under the magic section.) All magic is a drain on the Magician and they often carry wands or staff even rings that hordes magic. Necromancy. Physic powers. Each magic requires time to learn it is unheard of that a Magician has learned all levels of magic.


Weaknesses: Counter Magic,  Fire, Suffocation, Drowning, Hanging, Blood loss, Decapitation, Curses.


Culture: Magicians are the byproduct of Elves and Humans, they are an unnatural element of elf magic in human form. Many Magicians are born with magic and dangerous to others some are killed at birth. A way to tell if a Magician is born they bare an unnatural mark on their body. Many innocent children have died due to this. A specialized school is known to take in foundlings and teach them how to control magic many will face trials there until they are mature enough to be let into the world. Some require no schooling and are astute in the art.


Characteristics: A magician's mark, usually has a familiar with them. Yet they look much like humans and can easily pass for a mortal. Duzin is the secret location of the library of Magicians. Schools are only accessible through traveling the Duzin desert.






Magician's Academy




The Academy is home to young founding, abducted, or summoned Magicians. The gift of a new being made of magic is a gift regardless of its content. Teaching the skills required to survive many Magicians pass through these halls. There is esteemed respect for those who have been able to master magic and even bend it to their will bring limitations. 


A student of Magic will always be a student there is more to learn. Books and scribes of rituals are kept under strict protection thieves kept at bay even within their own kind. Precious and Dangerous treasures such as djinns, weapons, and enchantments are legacy of the Magicians and worth protecting. 


The Magicians Academy is a world within the realm entering its domain songbirds freely chirp and the harsh desert seems to have been kept away. What should be arid conditions is pleasant breezes cool and calm. Having no changed to the content whether dispute the season. 



The Academy has no alliance with any Kingdom, culture, or religion. 



Magician's Academy Ranks

(Applicable only to Academy Magicians)


Coven Leader: The most esteemed and knowledgable of the Academy worldly and wise. Studying all magics in their long lives and mastering or mastered many of its capabilities. The Coven Leader is elected by trials of powers and skills having to prove they are capable of wielding power with wise judgment. The coven leader of the Magical Academy is called an Arch Mage.


Arch-Mage: The archmage wields the command of the academy and upholds the traditions of the academy. The arch-mage is responsible for the entirety of the magical balances of the realm. 


Exalted: Powerful magicians that are capable of wielding devastatingly fantastic powers, and the will to complete many


Sage​s: As sages, these magicians have completed all levels of verbal, hand, and thought magic. They are scholarly wise, and often sought for answers in magical knowledge.  


Masters: Masters are magicians who have masters one or more abilities of magic in a certain area of power. They have been taught for many years or have learned through dedication.


Grand: Grand magicians are well-respected magicians and often on their way to becoming greater. They have a strong knowledge of magical basics and ability levels.


Apprentice: Magicians who have found their calling in magic, and have learned the basics of magic verbal, gestured magic. An apprentice will be capable of learning more but is far capable of basic magic. An Apprentice often is the pupil of a particular master if not a host of masters learning the craft to strong and more complex magic. They are young but their talent is only limited to their desire to learn.


Foundling: Magicians who are found, some may be infants or children but many are alone with no way to understand or cope with their natural-born gifts. Foundlings are only called such within the magician's academy and given a home should they chose.

​ cause chaos and destruction need to be checked by orders of the law or more powerful magicians.


Magic Ability


Magic is a natural gift that has been passed down by Oki, Magicians are not only born into this gift but for some, it can be a terrible curse. Being unable to wield it safely can cause harm to oneself or others around them. Magic is taught in the most basic of forms but over time evolves into more complex ability. While some can naturally align with their magic others need time to study and practice their skills to grow them into perfectly honed energy.

Magic Speak - The first and most basic of magic power is incantation or recital of spells. Phrases that can conjure the magic in the magician into being. (Can be spoken, whispered, sung, or shouted.)

Magic Sign - Signing magical hand signs to a magician’s known capabilities, the more precise in movement and gesture the more powerful the spell, magic, or curse can be. The effects can be temporary or permanent. 

Mind Magic - The hardest ability of magic is magic that is merely thought of and achieved it takes many decades of practice to master and can only be done by studious magicians. Yet the more masterful the magician the more combinations of magic are possible.


Magician’s Academy’s Core skills


While magic is known throughout the realm the Academy adheres and administers its own core lessons of magic. Though these core skills do a magician learn the basics of true power growing more advanced through time and study. 


Abjuration - The power to cast spells that provide protection and healing

Conjuration - Ability to summon or banish objects or peoples

Transformation - The ability to change one’s self or object

Necromancy - Magic used by forces of life and death

Illusionary - Manipulating magic in forms of illusions

Enchantment - The ability to charm, control, hypnotize others with magic

Divination - The ability of foresight

Mysticism - Untainted magic that all magicians carry within them

Nature - Variations of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, and Dark magic


Each magician learns at their level of capability and as time goes on these core become more essential as the bases of complicated spells. 


Magical Objects: Magical Objects are items used as a catalyst in magic to store and use magic.

Wands, Runes, Gemstones, Staves, Clothing, Armor, Jewelry, Orbuculum, Grimoire, Familiars, Erbium, Enchanted Combat weaponry (both offensive and defensive)

Potions & Alchemy


Medicinal, Transformational, or Dangerous concoctions created using a specific recipe for the desired effect. Ingredients for potions vary but the end result is a non-magical or magical element for use by humans, elves, vampires, werewolves, or magicians. Some potions are used for ill intent, while others are used to help or defend. 


Not only magicians can create potions or alchemy. So long as there are a recipe and ingredients along with the right tools even humans or other races can create a potion or use alchemy. However, if the ingredients required for a recipe are magical and can only be handled by beings of magic then some potions are limited to only magician use. 


Almost all potions or use of alchemy require a place to practice for some it could a kitchen, while for others a grand laboratory but so long as each ingredient is not contaminated recipes can be done just about anywhere.


Users of potions & alchemy are often called: Herbalist, Aclmeist, Scientist, Clergy, Healers, Priests, Magicians, Humans, Vampires, Elves.


Potion & Alchemy Ingredients 


The ingredients for either potions or alchemy can vary from garden-grown herbs to creature body parts. Most ingredients can be harvested by almost anyone, however, limitations apply such as dangers, poisonous, or magically handled. (Elemental essences.) Popular ingredients include Hair, blood, bone, teeth, herbs, oils, roots, types of earth, organs, etc..



Alchemy is used often by most for its useless abilities in every day uses or items. Refining metals for smith work such as minerals and powders. Leatherworking and dyes are made with alchemy. Even creating drinks all are uses of alchemy with many other mundane uses that improve the quality of life. 



Potions can be used for great things such as healing or charmed effects, potions can change physical appearance, they can change the drinker’s abilities for strength, thought, enhanced senses. The mental state of a drinker can find themselves prey to its power such as love potions or feeling nothing emotionally. Potions can be temporary or permanent, as well as poison or a cure.


Magicians Academy Lords and Ladies: Canon Roles

Academy Maters: Jade Spire


Banner: Purple and White

Revered Creature: Denzin Lion



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