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Magic of The Golden Realm

Magic is a gift from the one God Oki, it was handed down to the Elves who in turn have exposed it to the Realm. Every semblance of life has magic or roots back to magic Humans were created by magic yet have no natural ability to wield it. While Magicians are the by-product of Elves and Humans they are the surprisingly greedy magic of raw power that makes them capable of wielding magic but at a cost. Magicians do not carry the capacity of an endless supply of power and resort to hoarding their magic into staffs or wands. Vampires are a blood race and have inherited their former power, yet stripped of natural necessity they are no longer capable of certain power relying heavily on physic power. Humans have no touch of magic yet are capable of wielding magical trinkets or weapons for a price they can obtain powerful magic and the catalyst to use it. 



​Elves: Elemental Magic, Magic Abilities, Magical Charms, Potion Brewing, Magical Curse (Elves are a natural source of magic, they must master their power they require practice and time to perfect their magic. 


Vampires: Air Elementals, Dark Elementals, Psychic Magic, Scry, Animal call.


 Magicians: Elemental Magic, Psychic Magic, Magic Abilities, Potion Brewing, Magical Charms, Magical Curse, Incantations, Wands, Potions, Scry, Dolls (Creators of new magic, Magicians must be cautious with magic novice magic users will drain their energy much faster than an experienced Magician.)


Werewolves: Telepathy, Charms


Humans: (No abilities but can wield) Magical Charms, Potions, Wands, Enchanted items


Demons: Magical Abilities: Dark Elemental, Fire Elemental, Hypnosis, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Psychic Energy, Illusion, Shapeshifter, Spirit guide, Dream Walking. Cannot be controlled by Magicians, Causing Curses, Hexes, or Bad Luck.



Magic Invoking


Magic is a natural gift that has been passed down by Oki, Magicians are not only born into this gift but for some, it can be a terrible curse. Being unable to wield it safely can cause harm to oneself or others around them. Magic is taught in the most basic of forms but over time evolves into more complex ability. While some can naturally align with their magic others need time to study and practice their skills to grow them into perfectly honed energy.

Magic Speak - The first and most basic of magic power is incantation or recital of spells. Phrases that can conjure the magic in the magician into being. (Can be spoken, whispered, sung, or shouted.)

Magic Sign - Signing magical hand signs to a magician’s known capabilities, the more precise in movement and gesture the more powerful the spell, magic, or curse can be. The effects can be temporary or permanent. 

Mind Magic - The hardest ability of magic is magic that is merely thought of and achieved it takes many decades of practice to master and can only be done by studious magicians. Yet the more masterful the magician the more combinations of magic are possible.




Elemental Magic

The Six Elements​




Aerokinesis - manipulate the air, wind, and gas.

Air Mimicry - transform into a cloud of gas, fog, or mist.

Deoxygenation - suck up all the oxygen from a place.

Lung Adaptation - breathe anywhere.

Wind Generation - create blasts of wind.

Air Generation - create or generate blasts of air.

Flight - have the ability to fly at will.

Levitation - the ability to make anything rise up in the air and move around under your control.





Pyrokinesis - create, control and manipulate also generate fire, flame and heat.

Fire Breath - breathe out flames.

Fire Mimicry - have a body made up of fire

Hell-Fire Manipulation - Generate and control flames of hell.

Holy Fire Manipulation - Generate and control flames of Heaven.

Inflammation - burn things.

Melting - heat molecules to melt things.

Pyrotechnics - create fireworks.

Thermokinesis - create, control and manipulate heat.





Hydrokinesis - manipulate and control liquid water and mold it into any desired shape or form.

Aquatic Adaptation - adapted to underwater living.

Aquatic Respiration - breathe underwater.

Dehydration - absorb water.

Water Generation - generate water.

Holy Water Manipulation - create, manipulate and control graceful waters.

Dark Water Manipulation - create, manipulate and control evil and dangerous waters.





Geokinesis - control, manipulate, create, generate and reshape or shape earth/rocks/stones

Crystallokinesis - manipulate minerals and crystals.

Ferrokinesis - manipulate metal at will.

Golem Creation - make golems out of inanimate materials like rocks, wood, plants, magma, etc.

Granulation - can turn things into the sand.

Halokinesis - control and manipulate salt.

Hyalokinesis - control and manipulate glass.

Koniokinesis - manipulate and control dust particles.

Psammokinesis - can control and manipulate sand.

Terrakinesis - control, manipulate and alter/reshape the surrounding terrain and landscape at will.

Pure Earth Manipulation - Create, manipulate and control pure and good earth minerals.

Black Earth Manipulation - Create, manipulate and control corrupted and evil earth minerals.





Dark Light Manipulation - create the darkest light in existence.

White Light Manipulation - create the purest light in existence.

Photokinesis - create and manipulate pure light and photons.

Force-Field Generation - create protective shields of solid photons.

Invisibility - be unseen.

Light Absorption - absorb the light around you.

Light Generation - emit blinding light or glow in the dark.

Light Mimicry - take on the traits of light.

Projective Invisibility - turn other things invisible.

Evil Banish - banish spirits of evil and black magic.





Umbrakinesis - can manipulate and control darkness or shadows.

Animated Shadow - Animate one's shadow.

Light Absorption - block out light in an area.

Night Vision - able to see in the dark.

Shadow Camouflage - be unseen in shadows.

Shadow Mimicry - become a shadow.





Psychic Magic


Hypnosis: The user is able to affect or directly influence other people's minds to their commands. Humans and Werewolves are easily susceptible to this ability and the influence of suggestion.  


Telekinesis: Users can influence/manipulate/move objects/matter with their mind. Telekinesis is one of the basis of many magics that are based on "controlling/manipulating", and may evolve to the point that a Telekinetic can control anything at a subatomic, particle and universal level.


Telepathy: Users can read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally and/or affect their minds/thoughts. Telepathy falls into two categories: Telepathic Communication, which is the ability to transmit information from one mind to another, and Telepathic Perception, which is the ability to receive information from another mind. (Elves, Vampires, Magicians, and Werewolves each have this ability)


Psychic Energy: User can create, shape and manipulate psychic energy in various ways, including manifesting in material form. 

Illusion: The power to create illusions on once self or others. The illusion of appearance, to change the way something is seen or not seen. The illusion of pain or pleasure on once self or others. Illusions can also be considered glamour.

​(For RP reasons please speak to your partner to ensure if this is all right first.)


Magic Abilities


Summoning: The user can transport a person, creature, or object of choice by means of Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Portal Creation or some other way. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner. High-level users may not be bound by restrictions such as a contract and can summon anything they want, including powerful beings or "familiar spirits" and often require strong mystic connections to where these entities reside. Users can call upon fairies, angels, demons, or animal spirits, just to name a few.



Binding: User is able to bind, imprison, paralyze and/or otherwise stop targets moving normally and possibly completely freezing them where they were. Binding the magic of others weaker than themselves, such as magicians, however, should the magicians be stronger this will easily be broken.


Astral projection: User can separate their spirit from the body by entering a trance, gaining access of travel to the Astral Plane. Experienced individuals may control both the Astral and Corporeal presences.


Shapeshifter: Able to change into a carefully studied person or animal working with both the illusion magic. Transformation of oneself or other items or being. Usually temporary (but can be permanent)


Healing: User can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead. 


Protection: Creating an energy of protection around oneself or object to ensure no physical harm will befall the physical aspects. Such as temporary invulnerability to physical attacks against the body or object. Protection casting can also be a protection from evil intentions that may befall oneself or others. A protection spell can easily be made to ‘charm’ the object of protection ie counter bad luck.


Animal call: The user can control animals, they can set stampedes onto attackers, get animals to fetch things. Users may be able to call forth hordes of rats or insects to wipe out a crop or to encourage bees to replant it. 


Aura reading : The user can perceive auras, normally invisible fields of energy that surround every living thing, this can be used to sense emotions, health, power levels, or the target’s moral alignment. They may also be able to sense auras surrounding inanimate objects under special circumstances. Empathy is accompanied by Aura Reading. 


Divination: Users can employ divination, a method of reading the future, the present, and the past and/or provide help to a problem at hand by using an occultic, standardized process or ritual. Divination can be achieved by communicating with the supernatural (i.e. gods, demons, spirits, nymphs) or by reading certain patterns. 


Spirit guide: The user can take over the essence of non-corporeal beings, such as ghosts or other supernatural spirit-entities. Clairvoyance can also banish spirits, and force them to ‘cross over’ a ghostbuster if you will.


Dream Walking: User can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.

Conjuring: Material Manifestation or Spiritual manifestation. The user can cast spells that can summon creatures, items, spirits, demons, or elements.


Soul Transfer: Only certain beings can actually achieve this. Demons and Magicians. To take souls from one being into themselves, or placed into an object or location. 

Banishment: To banish another or item from one place to another. Some levels of banishment can even banish to another plane of existence. For Example: Banishing a demon from the living realm to the underworld.








Necromancy is a dark magic, forbidden for all Elves to even use, ever since their creation of the Vampire race. Although there are good reasons for Necromancy, such as expanding life or even reviving lost loved ones, there is always a cost for the usage of this dark magic. On the converse side of good and holy, those who deem themselves Necromancer’s often find solace and power in Necromancy, at the cost of their humanity, soul, or even life.


 One of the chief thoughts that provokes one’s mind when thinking of Necromancy, is the raising and controlling of the dead. This, correctly, is one of the cornerstone uses of Necromancy. A  novice Necromancer can raise a simple Zombie or Skeleton as a familiar of sorts, and order it’s bidding - only for a certain amount of time, of course. However, the more trained a Necromancer becomes, they can almost certainly raise Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls and more - and for nigh unlimited amounts of time. In this line of thinking, many Necromancer’s are adept in creating their own creatures, or summoning the ethereal dead, including but not limited to, Banshees, Ghosts and Spirits, and even Wraiths!


Since Necromancy deals with the dead and bringing them back into service of the living, and generally in an unwilling or foul way, it has been outlawed, condemned or simply frowned upon in common life and cities, especially since the Vampire race feeds upon civilians - and they are undead. However, in the Magician’s Library, one can still find tomes and scrolls detailing Necromancy and the good sides of it, such as draining life from plants and trees to prolong oneself, for teaching. However, in the Magician’s Academy, one must prove themselves for the common good, an incorruptible soul and masterful in several magical schools before they can apply to be taught such dark magic.


Necromancy is not exclusively raising and controlling the dead into undead, but also manipulation of life itself. Necromancers learn to control the blood flow of sentient beings, siphon the life force out of any living being - be it small animals or plants, or Werewolves and humans, and anything in between. Necromancer’s steal and use life to prolong their own, and become more powerful and knowledgeable in the process - but it comes with a deadly cost. The person who is doing the draining of life slowly begins to become less human themselves, be it through becoming a monotonous construct of simply being, literally beginning to decay, or rapid aging, or any other adverse side effect.



Some Necromancers go down a different path - disease. Closely intertwined with Necromancy is generally unholiness, and as one dwells deeper into the power of Necromancy, they begin to unravel the secrets of plague and famine, their chief desire becoming to spread pestilence throughout the world and create a haven for undeath, or peace on earth - by everyone being dead or undead and under their control.






Bolts of energy (purple or green, typically) that siphon life

Blasts of energy that decay

Raising/Controlling various types of undead  (Skeletal or Corpse animation)

Creating and Spreading Disease

Aura of Protection - Dispels magic

Communication with the Dead

Manipulation of Life (draining or giving)

Conjuring Armor



(Clergy Magic)

Light Magic
Healing Magic







Potions & Alchemy




Medicinal, Transformational, or Dangerous concoctions created using a specific recipe for the desired effect. Ingredients for potions vary but the end result is a non-magical or magical element for use by humans, elves, vampires, werewolves, or magicians. Some potions are used for ill intent, while others are used to help or defend. 


Not only magicians can create potions or alchemy. So long as there are a recipe and ingredients along with the right tools even humans or other races can create a potion or use alchemy. However, if the ingredients required for a recipe are magical and can only be handled by beings of magic then some potions are limited to only magician use. 


Almost all potions or use of alchemy require a place to practice for some it could a kitchen, while for others a grand laboratory but so long as each ingredient is not contaminated recipes can be done just about anywhere.


Users of potions & alchemy are often called: Herbalist, Aclmeist, Scientist, Clergy, Healers, Priests, Magicians, Humans, Vampires, Elves.



Potion & Alchemy Ingredients 


The ingredients for either potions or alchemy can vary from garden-grown herbs to creature body parts. Most ingredients can be harvested by almost anyone, however, limitations apply such as dangers, poisonous, or magically handled. (Elemental essences.) Popular ingredients include Hair, blood, bone, teeth, herbs, oils, roots, types of earth, organs, etc..



Alchemy is used often by most for its useless abilities in every day uses or items. Refining metals for smith work such as minerals and powders. Leatherworking and dyes are made with alchemy. Even creating drinks all are uses of alchemy with many other mundane uses that improve the quality of life. 



Potions can be used for great things such as healing or charmed effects, potions can change physical appearance, they can change the drinker’s abilities for strength, thought, enhanced senses. The mental state of a drinker can find themselves prey to its power such as love potions or feeling nothing emotionally. Potions can be temporary or permanent, as well as poison or a cure. 



Each effect may have a separate formula, may require a laboratory/workshop and time. 

May need special ingredients in order to create potions, ex: Human body parts, Living creatures, Plants or Roots, Oils, etc...

The effects of potions are temporary unless they are specifically made to be permanent.

May require Spell incantations in order for the potion to take full effect.

May require training for certain potions.

Incorrect brewing may cause backfiring.

Certain potions are specific about portion and amount acquired in the recipes.

Potions may be useless against those with Protection Immunity.

Depending on the potion, one must drink or get hit by it to obtain the effect.



Soul Magic

Demon's and only few others can actually take souls, but demons have naturally been able to steal souls from those who have them. Using them as a source of power that increases with every soul taken. 


Magical Charms


User can create, shape and manipulate any sort of charms, including magical charms, which are magical items that are believed to use magic to protect the user, grant magical powers or grant good luck. This could be in the form of anything, from jewelry to a four-leaf clover and a rabbit's foot.


Magical Curse


Users can place a curse on whatever they wish (people, places, objects, etc.). The exact effects can be nearly anything the user desires, ranging from minor annoyances to tortuously extended death.


Among the most common effects are misfortune/bad luck, various illnesses, infertility, physical defects/ugliness, etc. when affecting people, breaking or working wrong or causing problems when used on objects and the tendency to draw various disasters for places. Traditional magical curses include transforming the victim fully or partially into an animal/monster that fits the offense, blood-lust, insanity, unstoppable rages, nonhealing wounds, misshapen/inhuman offspring, and a whole host of other effects.




The user can achieve almost anything through an incantation as long as they have knowledge of the language their magic is initiated by and the necessary power to do so. The language of Magic is the oldest of written languages and some magic incantation survives only bypassed down knowledge for there is no written account.




A magic staff is more than a mere walking stick in the hands of a magician, it is can be used for physical combat as well as casting magical spells. Much like a wang it was intended for its master and can hold the magicians magic to a degree and wield back the magic in whatever form the magician deems. Staves can be made of all manner of martial from wood, glass, metals, or even woven material blessed or curse it is a weapon that is best left to the hands of someone proficient in magic.



A wand is a magician’s power extension wands can hold as little or as much magic as the magician decides. It is usually kept in the event that a magician’s power is drained or depleted. A backup surge of magic through a wand. Wands are best handled by other magicians, however, mortals and other creatures can possibly handle a wand. Wands are not lightly made and require special material to be fashioned for specific users. Each wand is different and often precious to the Magician whom it was intended for.



A divination technique used to locate a person, place, or thing. Mirrors, bowls, and stones may be applied to the technique.



Poppe /dolls used to signify a person's place or thing. Can be made to protect, or to harm.



Magical Objects

Magical Objects are items used as a catalyst in magic to store and use magic. Wands, Runes, Gemstones, Staves, Clothing, Armor, Jewelry, Orbuculum, Grimoire, Familiars, Erbium, Enchanted Combat weaponry (both offensive and defensive)





Erbium is a rare and precious metal with an interesting feature — it represses the transfer of magical energy. A silver pink alloy of iron, Erbium is used to produce handcuffs, chains, and locks. Those who wear them cannot cast spells or use magic in any way. There are known cases, however, of extraordinarily powerful sorcerers managing to overcome the shield generated by erbium.​


(Erbium can only be found in the mines of Duzin highly guarded by the Duzin Lion, Sphinx, and other treacherous monsters of the desert. The Academy Magicians will trade their metals to very few and at great costs. However, they will TRADE. Black market Erbium can be found circulating the city of Golden.)




A vampire made wine, that is used in place of feeding, while it is a cheap imitation with little to no lasting satisfaction. For those who long suffer the thirst will find it a meager meal yet will sustain them long enough. Sold in taverns throughout the realm. Humans or other races who partake will find it to be strong if not a potent example of wine intoxicating but not a means to become a vampire. Merely a damn hard drink.





Clergy Magic​


Clergy magic is a refine magic used only for the sake of helping others, it requires years of study and perfection to provide countries, cities, or those they have sworn to protect. Clergy are devout followers of Oki some more fanatical than others. However, it is rumored this magic is only gifted to these special magicians (rumored).




Replenishment - replenishes exhaustion, vitalization, and stamina. 

Guidance - Summoning the good spirits of the dead to guide the way, or question.

Force - A force of magic that repels oncoming attacks. 

Sheild barrier - A magical barrier that keeps all within safe from weapons or magic.

Blessed weapon - Weapons that can be blessed for a time being, or set with runestones to be augmented. 

Light - casting light in the darkness

Exorcism -  Banishing wandering spirits or wraith








Combat & Kills​


Combat within the realm is a complex question of who is more skilled, who has the most strength, or the best magic. We ask you to keep in mind the following. ​


Werewolves are the strongest naturally by strength alone, followed by Vampires, Magicians, Elves, and Humans. The level of attributes of a character's strengths should be based on training. This goes for magic, weapon mastery, and agility. A human who has lived a life pampered and in the palace would not be able to defeat a combat-trained human. Accidents or secret plots or poisons can occur and this is something that should be expressed through the players who are engaging in combat.   

Simply because a character is stronger does not mean they can not succumb to death either, there are ways via magic, charms, curses, or mobs that can overpower even the strongest of beings. 


WE DO NOT WANT YOUR CHARACTER TO DIE!! Please note that we want you to reflect on a plausible reaction and realism of common sense when it comes to combat and fighting.




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